Collaging + Breakfast: Making Art with Friends

"how old do you have to be to make a bad drawing?"
- Lynda Barry

Lynda Barry's (one of my favorite cartoonists) question is something I've wondered for a while. I've seen people quick to declare that they "can't draw" or that they are "not an artist." I've met plenty of educators who are champions of lifelong learning who will not dare to draw a picture - the trauma of being told a drawing is "bad" runs deep.

I've found that collaging is an activity that feels lower stakes, and a much more tactile (ripping, gluing, riffling, to name a few). I've been hosting "Collaging + Breakfast" weekend sessions semi-regularly, and it's been a great way to get a big group of friends doing art who might otherwise not be.

A wonderful mess.

To run your own "Collaging + Breakfast" with your friends, you'll need:
- funny paper (lined, dotted, grid, colored)
- old magazines, newspapers, packaging
- funny tape (patterned, duct, scotch)
- breakfast food (quiche is my go-to)
- scissors
- gluesticks
- nice music

Here's a sample of collages that were made:

By: Sarah

By: Sara

By: Julianne

By: Doyung